More than 8 out of 10 of those eligible are now boosted – as NHS calls for anyone yet to have it to come forward
Latest data shows that 86.4% of those eligible for a booster in West Sussex has now received it.
This means that 546,689 people have come forward for this vital protection. But we are not complacent and are continuing to work to encourage those who are yet to have a first, second or booster vaccine to receive theirs. Thousands of appointments are available on the National Booking Service website or by calling 119 for this week and next.
There are also many walk in sessions across our communities – both for adults and for 12 to 15 year olds. At community centres, supermarkets and in town centres, the pop up clinics are open for first, second and booster vaccinations. No appointment is needed and people can come at any time during the session. The teams are also able to answer any questions that people may have – if you are not sure, or you have questions, come and meet the team and they can talk to you about it. There is no pressure to have the vaccine on the day; they are keen to answer your questions.
The best protection against COVID-19 remains the vaccination.
See the latest list of walk-in sessions in your area
For more information please download the following PDF

Featured image by Steven Cornfield on Unsplash