Healthwatch in Sussex
Healthwatch in Sussex (Healthwatch East Sussex, West Sussex & B&H) have recently launched a survey into finding out the experiences of children and young people aged 16 and 17 who are getting vaccinated, including:
- Attitudes and awareness
- Access to vaccines, information and support & signposting
- Experience of the vaccination procedure
- Wider impacts on mental and physical health (e.g alleviation of pandemic anxiety)
I would really appreciate if you could share the survey among your communities. I have attached the details, let me know if you have any questions.
In addition, following requests from the last catch ups, please see below updated social media assets
Sussex ICS Campaign Resource Centre – Sussex Health & Care Partnership (
Winter vaccinations
- Winter vaccinations – boosters
- December boosters updates
- Winter vaccinations – pregnant women
- National boost your immunity campaign
- National boost your immunity healthcare workers campaign
- 12-15 year olds vaccine assets
For more information please download the following PDF

Featured image by Steven Cornfield on Unsplash