All you need to know about travelling by bus in West Sussex.
So if you want to give buses a try: discover new routes, reduce travel costs, enjoy the park without the parking, catch up with friends for coffee in town, visit the West Sussex coast or countryside – then Bus it! and hop aboard for cheap or free travel!
Which buses go where?You can find information on your nearest bus operator, their timetables, tickets and contact details on the link: https://www.westsussex.gov.uk/roads-and-travel/travel-and-public-transport/bus-and-coach-travel/plan-your-journey/bus-operators-and-fares/
What are the latest offers and discounts?
The government has extended the bus cap fare of £2 until 31 October 2023. After this, the bus fare cap will change to £2.50 for single tickets until 30 November 2024.
If you are a permanent West Sussex resident who has reached state pension age, you can get a free five-year bus pass for travelling off-peak all over England. This means you can catch a bus to anywhere in the county – and beyond, weekdays between 9.30am and 11pm and all day on weekends and bank holidays, free of charge!
The county council provides a free bus pass to people who are disabled, incapacitated, or medically unfit to drive.
Discover other discounts and offers from local bus companies on the link: https://www.westsussex.gov.uk/roads-and-travel/travel-and-public-transport/bus-and-coach-travel/bus-passes-and-discounts/discounts-on-bus-and-coach-travel/
More news and updates on buses and travel…
A new bus route between Littlehampton and Chichester calls at St Richard’s Hospital in the city. So if you have an appointment or want to visit a patient and don’t want to drive and search for a parking space, then hop on the new 500 bus. The service, a partnership between Stagecoach, the county council and the Department for Transport, provides a half-hourly bus frequency, Monday to Saturday. Buses run hourly every Sunday.
Taking a hydrogen bus from Crawley to Gatwick saves 2130g of CO2 compared to driving. That’s the same as making 903 cups of tea! Metrobus run twenty hydrogen fuelled buses on Fastway routes 10 and 20.
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